
Table of Contents

Detailed documentation and user guides for TensorFaux. In all honesty, since the API is so similar to TensorFlow Keras, most of the documentation here is copied straight from their docs.

Models #

Sequential #

The sequential model ties all of the layers together under one simple API. While you could hard-code forward and backward propagation using a list of layers (list(Layer)), the Sequential API handles compilation, training and prediction.

Sequential(layers=[]) The constructor takes an optional argument of a list of layers.
add(layer) Adds additional layers on top of the initial list of layers.
compile(loss, optimizer) After adding the necessary layers, defines the loss function and optimizer that will be used for training.
fit(X, Y, epochs=1, verbose=False, verbose_count=10) Takes in the input data and labels for training, along with a few optional arguments: epochs is the number of times to perform a forward and backward propagation, verbose controls whether or not the running loss value gets outputted to console, and verbose_count controls how many loss values get outputted to the console.

Layers #

While the Sequential model holds the API used for training the neural network, the layers are

Layer #

This is the class from which all layers inherit. A layer is a callable object that takes a numpy array and outputs a numpy array. Despite the functional nature of layers, they can also contain a state that can change over time, typically in the form of weights. All layers share two main functions: forward() and backward().

forward(input) Propagating forward to move data from the input layer to the output layer. These involve a variety of mathematical operations that eventually lead to a final output, also known as the prediction.
backward(output_grad, learning_rate) When propagating data backwards, instead of the original data being used directly, an output gradient is computed from the output, which is propagated backwards through layers in a series of gradient calculations.

Dense #

Just your regular densely-connected NN layer. Initializes with random weights. Dense implements the operation: output = dot(input, kernel) + bias where kernel is a weights matrix created by the layer, and bias is a bias vector created by the layer.

Convolutional #

2D convolution layer (e.g. spatial convolution over images). This layer creates a convolution kernel that is convolved with the layer input to produce a tensor of outputs.

Reshape #

Layer that reshapes inputs into the given shape.


>>> from tensorfaux.layers import Reshape
>>> import numpy as np
>>> data = np.arange(12)
>>> layer = Reshape(input_shape=(12), output_shape=(3,4))
>>> layer.forward(data)
array([[ 0,  1,  2,  3],
       [ 4,  5,  6,  7],
       [ 8,  9, 10, 11]])
>>> layer = Reshape(input_shape=(12), output_shape=(6,2))
>>> layer.forward(data)
array([[ 0,  1],
       [ 2,  3],
       [ 4,  5],
       [ 6,  7],
       [ 8,  9],
       [10, 11]])

Activation #

Applies an activation function to an output. This is the class from which most activation layers inherit.

Hyperbolic Tangent (Tanh) #

Hyperbolic tangent activation function.

Rectified Linear Unit (ReLU) #

Applies the rectified linear unit activation function. With default values, this returns the standard ReLU activation: max(x, 0), the element-wise maximum of 0 and the input tensor.

Sigmoid #

Sigmoid activation function, sigmoid(x) = 1 / (1 + exp(-x)). Applies the sigmoid activation function. For small values (<-5), sigmoid returns a value close to zero, and for large values (>5) the result of the function gets close to 1.

Sigmoid is equivalent to a 2-element Softmax, where the second element is assumed to be zero. The sigmoid function always returns a value between 0 and 1.

Linear #

Linear activation function (pass-through).

Softmax #

Softmax converts a vector of values to a probability distribution. The elements of the output vector are in range (0, 1) and sum to 1. Each vector is handled independently.

Optimizers #

Gradient Descent (GD) #

Classic Gradient descent. The most basic iterative algorithm for finding a local minima.

Stochastic Gradient Descent (SGD) #

An iterative method which acts as a superclass to GD, instead of being constrained to using the full dataset for each pass-through, we can use batch_size (ranging from 1 to the number of inputs) to determine how many points of data are used in each pass. With each epoch, this optimizer will randomly choose inputs to use for forward and backward propagation.

Another argument, momentum, will be added eventually.

Utility #

Mean Squared Error (mse) #

Computes the mean squared error between labels and predictions. In statistics, the mean squared error (MSE) of an estimator (of a procedure for estimating an unobserved quantity) measures the average of the squares of the errors—that is, the average squared difference between the estimated values and the actual value.

Binary Cross Entropy (binary_cross_entropy) #

Computes the cross-entropy loss between true labels and predicted labels. Binary cross entropy is the negative average of the log of corrected predicted probabilities used for classification problems (Wikipedia).